We're On the Same Page as the Wall Street Journal: Part 1

Monica Michaan | March 3, 2011

On February 28th, The Wall Street Journal published its 2011 Innovations in Energy Report, a series of articles that covers the top business issues affecting the environment, innovation and energy.    For those of you familiar with EDF Business, you know that those three areas are right up our alley.

In an article within the section, Stephanie Simon outlines ten basic tips for building energy efficiency. We noticed that our EDF Climate Corps fellows had very similar recommendations for their companies last summer. We're happy to see that our tips and the Wall Street Journal's tips are in alignment. Here are a few ways that they match up:

WSJ recommends: "Change the Culture" and try energy efficiency contests to incentivize employees

What our fellow did: Daniel Cantor at Franklin Templeton worked with the employee green team to launch an internal behavior change campaign, which educates employees on how much energy they could save individually and collectively by taking a variety of actions. This campaign includes random prize drawings for individual rewards, and group prizes for the floors that save the most.

WSJ recommends: "Shut ‘Em Down," turning off computers and lights can help you save

What our fellow did: While at eBay's San Jose headquarters this summer, Megan Rast worked to encourage employees to turn off computers after hours. According to a survey of large offices by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, more than 50% of desktop PCs are left on overnight. Installing PC power management software is an easy way to ensure this equipment isn't drawing energy when not in use.

WSJ recommends: "Go Retro," and work on retrocommissioning

What our fellow did: Xerox fellow Dave Rengel used this engineering process to analyze building systems and equipment and return them to design or a more efficient condition based on current building use. Dave implemented a pilot project for a small complex of four buildings at Xerox with the objective of reducing energy use of the buildings. The pilot project will serve as a demonstration of how to proceed with expanding the scope to include the entire campus.

WSJ Recommends: "Spruce Up the Space Plan" and see how office space can save energy

What our fellow did: Stuart DeCew spent one of the hottest summers on record at RBS/Citizens, where the company analyzed how to optimize the use of office space in order to consolidate the company's operational footprint. This resulted in more effective use of office space, a smaller energy budget and more cohesive and geographically consolidated teams of employees.

WSJ recommends: "Loosen Up" and moderate your building's thermostat

What our fellow did: Jonathan Stone at News Corp. researched a study from the Department of Energy stating that "by turning your thermostat back 10 – 15 degrees for eight hours, you can save about 5% – 15% a year on your heating bill—a savings of as much as one percent for each degree if the setback period is eight hours long." Stone then proposed a one degree week-long trial period, during which the air handlers were turned up just one degree to gauge energy usage for that week versus a week under old temperatures.

WSJ recommends: "Upgrade the Envelope" of your building to keep it cool

What our fellow did: Nirupam Khanna at Alcatel-Lucent recommended the installation of solar films, which can reject up to 60% of solar heat coming through windows in summer and help retain it in the winter, keeping your HVAC system from working overtime.

EDF recommends: Hire a Climate Corps fellow

What our fellows have done: One of the simplest, quickest ways to find energy saving opportunities for your company is to hire a Climate Corps fellow. Just last summer, our fellows found a whopping $350 million in potential energy savings at 47 companies. We are accepting company applications for this summer until March 15, 2011. Apply now!

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