EDF Expert Shares 4 Ways to Increase Profitability and Sustainability in 2014

Kelly Jones | January 24, 2014

Elizabeth SturckenRecently, EDF expert Elizabeth Sturcken wrote a post featured on Retailing Today about 4 ways to increase profitability in 2014. She highlights that “as the holiday dust clears and we settle into a new year, it’s only fitting that retailers take a moment to reflect on successes of 2013 and identify opportunities for 2014.” Sturcken and her team put their heads together to identify the following opportunities to maximize efficiency and benefit the bottom line:

  1. Look at your waste
  2. Look at how you are transporting goods and products
  3. Look to source and sell better products
  4. Look at your buildings

These four areas are ripe with opportunity not only for retailers, but also for organizations across the board. If your business could use some advice in benefitting the bottom line though environmental wins, read her full post, which is full of smart ideas, on Retailing Today.

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