Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

At a Glance


Health Care

Project Types

Clean and Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy




New York, NY


Tara Narayanan developed a Strategic Energy Master Plan that identified focus areas to help Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center meet its energy goals.


Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Cancer Center, the oldest private cancer hospital in the world and a rapidly growing research and healthcare organization in New York and New Jersey, has made sustainability in healthcare one of its priorities. Having already participated in major sustainability initiatives such as the Practice Greenhealth Challenge and the NYC Mayor’s Carbon Challenge, MSK wanted to take its energy management further. EDF Climate Corps fellow Tara Narayanan was enlisted to develop a Strategic Energy Master Plan for meeting the hospital’s energy goals, while lowering utility costs. 


Narayanan collected information about the performance of the different properties owned by MSK, and categorized them according to use type, ownership and energy performance. Using national benchmarks and internal data, she identified 17 sites that were underperforming in energy use intensity. She also collected information on the performance of past energy projects at MSK, opportunities for clean energy supply and compliance requirements. Based off this information, Narayanan developed a Strategic Energy Master Plan that identifies short, medium and long-term focus areas across MSK’s portfolio.

Potential Impact

The Strategic Energy Master helps MSK prioritize the work they need to complete in their buildings over the next nine years and do so in a phase-based approach. This will position MSK to meet the carbon challenge goals as well as the national levels of sustainable healthcare practices, while saving money by reducing electricity costs. 

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