Roche Diagnostics

At a Glance


Industrial Goods and Manufacturing

Project Types

Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy




Suzhou, Jiangsu


Zimeng Liu calculated the carbon emissions of Roche Diagnostics (Suzhou), and updated the energy efficiency improvement strategy by preparing the 2022 CO2 Roadmap Report.


For many years, Roche has been committed not only to providing medical support to patients, but also to mitigating environmental impact and climate change. In order to actively fulfill environmental responsibility and move towards a sustainable future, RDSZ has started to develop its own annual CO2 roadmap. Zimeng Liu assisted the company in completing the verification and update of the carbon accounting and abatement project, providing a good data base for the company's future carbon abatement actions.


Accordingly, Zimeng Liu has divided the action strategy into three parts:

  • Carried out carbon accounting and a comparative analysis with previous years, and further broke down building and energy system energy consumption to identify the best abatement potential
  • Evaluated and updated the energy saving strategy. Zimeng Liu evaluated the implementation of RDSZ’s carbon abatement strategy in the past year, and updated it in light of RDSZ’s developments
  • Calculated the Roche Eco-balance and formed the CO2 Roadmap Report, providing reference for the further implementation of the carbon abatement strategy in the coming year (or years) 

Potential Impact

Zimeng Liu updated the CO2 roadmap for this year by calculating RDSZ’s energy consumption and cost based on previous years' emission reductions; and updated the energy saving, energy efficiency and energy replacement strategy. In addition, Zimeng Liu calculated the Eco-points of the plant in 2021 using the Roche Group's Eco-balance guidance and calculation tool. This will facilitate RDSZ to take more efficient and accurate abatement actions in the future.

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