Chicago Housing Authority
At a Glance
Public Housing Authority
Project Types
Commercial Energy Efficiency, Data Analysis
Chicago, IL

Annual kWh Savings:
4,000 kWh

Annual CO2 Reductions:
4 metric tons
Leanna Erickson recommended energy efficiency opportunities for senior buildings and identified 15 buildings for LEED certification.
Leanna Erickson was asked by the Chicago Housing Authority to identify the top 15 senior buildings to apply for LEED certification under the Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (EBOM) Rating System.
Erickson considered LEED Assessments conducted by HOK, Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager and other energy efficiency upgrades for senior buildings. With these resources, she determined which buildings were in the best position to apply for LEED EBOM certification. Erickson found that sustainable policy additions to property management contracts would be the most feasible and least expensive way for Chicago Housing Authority to achieve LEED credits. In addition, Erickson participated in senior building site visits and calculated the cost and energy savings of new LED Exit Signs in one of the top 15 senior buildings. This information could be helpful when the Chicago Housing Authority implements building upgrades across the Senior Portfolio.
Potential Impact
One senior building slated for LED Exit Sign upgrades could save approximately $2,000 in utility costs, along with 4,000 kilowatt hours of electricity and reduce four metric tons of CO2 emissions annually. If this upgrade and other energy efficiency projects were implemented across the Senior Portfolio, the Chicago Housing Authority could achieve similar energy and cost savings as well as comply with various LEED credits.