City of Rochester
At a Glance
Government/Public Administration
Project Types
Clean and Renewable Energy, Commercial Energy Efficiency
Rochester, MN

Net Present Value:

Annual kWh Savings:
120,000 kWh

Annual CO2 Reductions:
90 metric tons
Jordan Wildish identified opportunities for energy efficiency, storm water management and electric vehicles for the City of Rochester.
The City of Rochester enlisted EDF Climate Corps fellow Jordan Wildish to identify and assess energy efficiency and energy reduction opportunities for the Parks and Forestry Division within the city’s Parks Department. In addition to these projects, Wildish was tasked with identifying opportunities to improve vehicle fleet efficiency, reducing water consumption and lowering natural gas use.
Wildish conducted audits of all department owned facilities, collected utility data and met with product vendors to develop several recommendations for efficiency improvements. He proposed cost saving measures through LED retrofits of facility lighting, and improved lighting control systems. Wildish also recommended that the department revise storm water practices and apply for storm water cost credit program to significantly reduce water expenses. To increase fleet efficiency, he identified improved irrigation control systems and developed a vehicle purchasing plan. Lastly, Wildish created a step by step guide to implementation for each project and identified vendors who are able to install the recommended efficiency system components.
Potential Impact
The proposed recommendations have the potential to reduce monthly utility expenses by 15-20%, while saving staff time on bulb changes and irrigation adjustments. In total, implementing all of the recommended projects will provide the department with a payback in less than three years.