Critical Start

At a Glance


Internet, Software, Hardware and Technology Services

Project Types

Data Analysis, Goals/Targets




Plano, TX


Andrew led the annual GHG data collection and calculation of scope 1, 2, and 3 using Watershed ESG Software and developed a 2-year ESG roadmap to increase Critical Start's ESG score.


To improve Critical Start's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance by updating GHG data and developing a comprehensive roadmap for ESG improvements.


During his time at Critical Start, Andrew drove this initiative through: - Led and completed the FY24 GHG data collection and calculation for Scope 1, 2, and 3. - Set a new 10-year GHG reduction target using the intensity method for scope 3 and the absolute method for scope 1 and 2. - Analyzed the overall company's ESG performance to identify areas for improvement. - Created a 2-year roadmap for ESG improvement to address identified gaps. - Forecasted potential ESG scoring improvements based on the 2-year roadmap. - Assessed and implemented four recommended quick-wins to increase the ESG score.

Potential Impact

Andrew's work has provided Critical Start with updated annual GHG data required by investors, which is also being used to rebaseline their new GHG reduction targets for the next 10 years. His ESG recommendations and 2-year roadmap form the foundation for future ESG strategies and target setting. These efforts are projected to potentially increase Critical Start's ESG score.

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