Hill+Knowlton Strategies
At a Glance
Professional and Technical Services
Project Types
Commercial Energy Efficiency, Data Analysis, Engagement and Behavior Change, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy
Washington, DC

Net Present Value:
Jun Wang worked on data collection and a variety of other sustainability projects that could produce more than $2 million in NPV.
At the beginning of 2015, Hill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K Strategies) released its inaugural Sustainability Report covering its US operations. In the report, the company acknowledged that it lacked the data necessary to support the presentation of its environmental performance and goals. In light of this, Jun Wang was asked to develop a data collection plan to measure, monitor and report on the company’s environmental performance and provide strategic recommendations for the company’s sustainability efforts.
After working with the finance team, office managers, green teams and representatives from ten H+K Strategies US offices and corresponding building property managers, Wang developed a Carbon Footprint Calculation Tool for H+K Strategies in accordance with the World Resource Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainability Development (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Additionally, Wang completed seven projects, including creating a manual for data collection, completing a waste audit with professional waste experts, identifying sub-metering options, calculating the carbon footprint of the company, activating green teams in each office and proposing a Chief Sustainability Officer position. Furthermore, she developed a case study of H+K Strategies’ Washington D.C. office around employee engagement.
Potential Impact
With the savings identified from the waste audit, sub-metering options and the creation of the Chief Sustainability Officer position, the company could realize more than $2 million in net present value over the next ten years.