Jackson Family Wines
At a Glance
Consumer Packaged Goods
Project Type
Santa Rosa, CA
Aaron Schreiber-Stainthorp provided JFW with valuable analyses of water data and plans for ongoing sustainability.
Aaron Schreiber-Stainthorp worked with Jackson Family Wines (JFW) as a 2014 EDF Climate Corps fellow. The focus of the fellowship was to conduct a cost benefit analysis of wastewater treatment options at JFW’s blending and bottling facility, both to reduce the footprint of the current wastewater treatment system and to further enhance JFW's sustainability initiatives.
As water is essential to wine production, the analysis evaluated best methods to mitigate the risks associated with water procurement or treatment posing a constraint on future production. Over the course of the fellowship Aaron analyzed the facility's water use and aggregated historical water data to identify patterns and highlight opportunities for water and energy efficiency.
Potential Impact
The embodied energy and costs of water use at the facility collected by Aaron were calculated to assess current and future costs. Aaron also developed a wastewater vendor RFP that was sent to potential vendors, reviewed proposals to compare vendors and recommended a future course of action.