National Solar Energy Federation of India

At a Glance



Project Types

Engagement and Behavior Change, Food and Agriculture, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy




New Delhi


Shashwat Datta, developed business models of agrivoltaic systems and contributed to the establishment of India’s AgriPV Alliance.


Shashwat Datta worked with National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI), a prominent institute working to advocate for solar energy advancement in India. The project aimed to address challenges hindering the growth of agri-photovoltaics, especially as conflict between energy and food production grows due to solar farm land usage. Shashwat’s work positively impacted sustainable agriculture scenarios and supported India in its mission to achieve clean energy targets.


  • Set up a national, multi-stakeholder platform for agri-photovoltaics, India AgriPV Alliance (IAA), and assisted in establishing the secretariat
  • Participated in the NSEFI delegation that soft launched IAA at the CEM-14/MI-8 event, which took place at the G20 Energy Summit at Goa
  • Served as the editor of the flagship report “Agrivoltaics in India: Overview of Operational Projects and Relevant Policies”, published by NSEFI in collaboration with IGEF
  • Studied APV feasibility for India and identified 2 potential states, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, as most suitable for agriPV
  • Developed a business and financial model for agriPV systems to forecast the economic viability of APV projects

Potential Impact

  • Developed a potential solution to the FEW (Food Energy Water) nexus by creating a more efficient and balanced resource utilization system
  • Increased the income of small and marginal farmers, by having better access to modern farming techniques, technology, and market linkages
  • Climate resilient agriculture that not only safeguards livelihoods but also contributes to the broader goal of climate adaptation and mitigation
  • Rural electrification provides small and marginal farmers with the means to generate power that will enhance overall quality of life
  • Fulfill India's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of renewable energy that will help the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and showcase a sustainable pathway for rural development

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