New York City Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
At a Glance
Government/Public Administration
Project Types
Clean and Renewable Energy, Climate Justice/Energy Equity, Financial Evaluation and Planning, Goals/Targets
New York, NY
Dakota Bailey helped the New York City Mayor's Office of Resiliency to understand urban heating in the industrial setting, from air temperature data and reviewed literature.
The goals of the study are to inform the City’s various extreme heat mitigation and adaption strategies. The study is designed to improve City policy maker’s understanding of the relationship between outdoor and indoor temperatures, occupational thermal safety during extreme heat events, and the role of industrial infrastructure as adaptive intervention in heat vulnerable neighborhoods. Additionally, the project seeks to develop talking points and communication strategies for research findings and recommendations.
The primary solutions consist of improved green infrastructure, such as funding increases in installation of greenspace, as well as using high reflectivity paints known as thermochromic paints, which drastically raise the reflectivity of rooftop surfaces, as well as planting trees in large dense patches to provide shade, slightly raise surface reflectivity, and increase evaporative cooling. These methodologies currently have the most observed use and are most affordable. However, these tasks must be carried out carefully, as reflective paints may be inappropriate on roadways and building facades where visual impairments may occur. Similarly, overly large and dense patches of vegetation can eventually lead to a decrease in evaporative cooling capabilities. Policy makers must also place occupational heat safety, and green infrastructure subsidization at the forefront of their agendas.
Potential Impact
The hope is that the research results in serious policy development and passage to improve industrial infrastructure. This is likely to be through more urban forestry, as well as reflective thermochromic paints. Furthermore, these results should establish a precedent for future research and how industrial occupational settings are impacted by high heat events. Additionally, this should attract more funding for urban heat island mitigation, as well as provide reasoning for mandatory occupational heat safety plan development.