Taylor Housing Commission
At a Glance
Public Housing Authority
Project Types
Commercial Energy Efficiency, Data Analysis, Engagement and Behavior Change
Taylor, MI

Annual kWh Savings:
450,000 kWh

Annual CO2 Reductions:
360 metric tons
Ron Allan Go-Aco helped the Taylor Housing Commissions and two other housing commissions benchmark energy use and identify energy and water savings opportunities.
Feeling the pressure of an increasingly tightened budget, The Taylor Housing Commission was looking to improve its energy management practices by establishing a comprehensive benchmarking plan. EDF Climate Corps fellow Ron Allan Go-Aco was enlisted to improve data collection procedures for calculating building performance, as well as identify energy and water saving opportunities in building facilities. Go-Aco was also tasked with supporting two other Housing Commissions, Allen Park and Melvindale, on similar projects.
After conducting surveys and walk-through energy audits, Go-Aco gathered, analyzed and reconciled data from the commissions' monthly electricity, natural gas and water utility bills. He then developed energy and water load profiles that helped Executive Directors identify the most promising energy and water savings opportunities. A comprehensive benchmarking plan outlining the processes, systems and staff expertise needed to support continued benchmarking and regular monitoring of energy consumption was then created. Go Aco then worked to improve the housing portfolio's score and building performance metrics based on Energy Star's Portfolio Manager, as well as the housing providers' data collection procedures.
Potential Impact
If implemented, the energy and water efficiency measures will lead to an aggregated annual savings of at least 454 MWh of electricity, 773 Million BTU of natural gas and 996-kilo gallons of water. The overall environmental impact of the projects will result in a yearly GHG emissions avoidance of at least 361 MT CO2 or equivalent to growing 9,377 tree seedlings for ten years. Together, these savings can alleviate the organizations' dependence on HUD for operational cost allocations. The Allen Park Housing Commission has the opportunity to be recognized as the first Energy Star building certified public housing in the whole State of Michigan.