At a Glance


Project Type

Data Analysis




Austin, TX


Michael Reiner developed population data for a statewide study on low-income communities to facilitate the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at TEPRI.


The Texas Energy Poverty Research Institute (TEPRI) was gearing up to kick off the first phase of the Texas Low-Income Community Profile Series in an effort to provide lasting energy solutions for low-income communities. The organization was preparing to release a statewide study exploring energy burdens in Texas, but first needed to conduct a stakeholder analysis and explore methodologies to identify energy-vulnerable populations. EDF Climate Corps fellow Michael Reiner was hired to develop detailed population data for implementing renewable energy technologies and to increase the effectiveness of energy efficiency programs. 


Reiner identified publically available data-sources, particularly census data, that can be used to quantify and describe energy burden indicators. He conducted a sample analysis to describe such indicators as physical household characteristics, sociodemographic profiles and household makeup using a combination of metrics to predict high-risk populations. By interviewing over 25 different organizations across 10 different stakeholder groups, Reiner helped qualify communication, funding and knowledge networks. His stakeholder analysis also revealed key challenges and insights faced by stakeholders, further helping to inform future research objectives.

Potential Impact

Reiner’s recommendations will help lead TEPRI’s future endeavors, particularly its one-year research project with the LBJ School at the University of Texas. Moving forward, TEPRI can use the report, complete with key stakeholder insights and analysis to inform future related decision-making. 

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