Vertical Bridge

At a Glance



Project Types

Clean and Renewable Energy, Data Analysis, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy




Raleigh, NC


Frank Agwuncha demonstrated a strong work ethic, extensive ESG/sustainability expertise, and outstanding cross-functional collaboration to deliver Vertical Bridge’s pioneering net-zero strategy.


Vertical Bridge set out to define a comprehensive plan to achieve net-zero by 2040. This encompassed a meticulous assessment of key components, including owned generators, the transition from incandescent to LED lighting systems in lit towers, an understanding of its customers' net-zero aspirations, and the strategic delineation of renewable energy sources.

Recognizing the significance of crafting a resilient net-zero strategy, Vertical Bridge engaged Frank Agwuncha, who assumed the role of its inaugural Climate Corps fellow. 


Frank employed a systematic three-step approach to formulate and present its net-zero strategy:

  • Emissions Quantification: Through collaboration with organizational leaders and consultants, Frank meticulously quantified emissions originating from operations, identifying contributions from various sources. This process shed light on emissions data gaps and birthed an improvement blueprint.
  • Net-Zero Staircase Development: Frank devised a net-zero staircase, delineating a timeline for the decarbonization of operations. He structured net-zero initiatives into four overarching themes—Energy, Mobility, M&A and Growth Portfolio, and Stakeholder Engagement. Each theme featured specific yearly actions necessary to meet net-zero goals.
  • Impact Quantification and Visualization: Frank further quantified the effects of the detailed plan, visualizing the year-on-year reductions in emissions and operational expenditure (OPEX) savings.

Potential Impact

Frank employed a combination of diverse solutions poised to significantly curtail emissions: up to a 90% reduction in scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 and a 30% reduction in scope 3 by 2030, culminating in net-zero by 2040. Frank’s exhaustive analysis assigned dollar values to OPEX savings and correlated GHG emissions reductions.

His adept problem-solving approach reshaped Vertical Bridge's renewable energy perspective, influencing senior leadership’s outlook with potential for revenue generation. Consequently, senior leadership endorsed the implementation of the net-zero plan.

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