Climate Corps projects: Search Results

Showing 126 - 150 out of 196 results

Organization Namesort descending Year Project Type
Legrand Xiang Tan 2014 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Longi Solar Xianglin Dong 2022 Data Analysis, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walmart Xiaoqi Zhang 2019 Data Analysis, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
PMI Xiaoyu Wang 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change  
Walmart Xiliang Hong 2017 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Legrand Xin Tong 2017 Clean and Renewable Energy, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
MAHLE Xingkai Zhang 2022 Clean and Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
BYD Xinhua Yuan 2019 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Guess Xinhui Ruan 2019 Industrial Energy Efficiency, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
PMI Xinke Chen 2019 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Decathlon Group Xinrui Liu 2022 Data Analysis, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics  
General Electric Xinyi Han 2023 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Supply Chain  
Decathlon Group Xinyi Wang 2023 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walmart Xinyuan Wen 2015 Clean and Renewable Energy  
New Balance Xiu Yujiao 2016 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Walmart Xu Zhiliang 2017 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Colgate-Palmolive Xuancheng Zhou 2021 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Walmart Xue Zhang 2023 Goals/Targets, Supply Chain  
Kingfisher Xuechun Bao 2020 Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walmart Xuecong Pu 2023 Food and Agriculture, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Industrial Bank Xuhong Liu 2023 Financial Evaluation and Planning, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
MAHLE Yan Huang 2017 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Industrial Bank Yanan Zhang 2020 Financial Evaluation and Planning  
Roche Pharmaceutical Yanning Zhang 2023 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
BYD Yaodong Liu 2019 Industrial Energy Efficiency  

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