EDF Climate Corps Blog
How EDF and Chicago are Leading the Way to Energy-Efficient Buildings
Ellen Bell | January 12, 2015
One degree Fahrenheit. Yes, that was Friday’s temperature in Chicago. But instead of thinking about jetting off to a sandy beach in the Caribbean, my thoughts instead turn to a more practical matter. As I look across the Chicago skyline, I wonder how many of these buildings have old, inefficient heating systems.
Untapped Incentives for Energy Efficiency Projects
EDF Climate Corps fellow | December 16, 2014
As an EDF Climate Corps fellow back in 2013, one task that was of particular interest to me was figuring out how to help my host organization fund, in whole or in part, its efficiency upgrades. In my research, the most unique funding source I found was the energy efficiency forward capacity market.
EDF Climate Corps Continues to Drive Results for Private Equity firms
EDF Staff | December 11, 2014
The results are in. As my colleague Victoria Mills wrote recently, this year’s cohort of EDF Climate Corps fellows found $130 million in potential energy savings across 102 organizations. Among the engagements, 12 fellows worked with private equity firms and portfolio companies on a diversity of projects.
How to Create a Successful Environmental Employee Engagement Program
Scott Wood | November 25, 2014
“Tell me, and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand.” This Chinese proverb, which appears in the Environmental Employee Engagement (EEE) Roadmap released yesterday by Net Impact, captures the underlying human behavior driving the need for employee engagement programming within organizations.
The Winners of the 2014 EDF Climate Corps Fellowship Awards
Kate Hanley | November 13, 2014
Two weeks ago, at the 5th Annual EDF Climate Corps Network Event, we celebrated the great work of all the fellows, participating organizations, alumni and partners to cut costs and emissions. We also recognized three outstanding fellows in our first ever Fellowship Awards.
Takeaways from the EDF Climate Corps Network Event
Kelly Jones | November 5, 2014
At the close of last week’s EDF Climate Corps Network Event, Jason Jay, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Sustainability Initiative at MIT Sloan, asked everyone to take a few moments to think about our takeaways and jot down our action items coming out of the event. One of the next steps I wrote down for myself was to write a blog summarizing my perspective on the two day conference.
Resource Review: Guide to Procurement of Flexible Peaking Capacity
Ellen Shea | November 4, 2014
I recently read a white paper by Chet Lyons of the Energy Strategies Group performing a cost-benefits analysis of utility companies purchasing battery storage systems vs. simple cycle gas-fired combustion turbines (CT). These CT systems are what are typically used to regulate peaking capacity. The article shows how storage systems can be a great solution for how utilities companies can keep up to date with the changing trends in energy in the US.
What Choices Can Help Cut Carbon in a Car-Loving Country?
EDF Climate Corps fellow | November 3, 2014
I learned this summer that the choices provided by employers directly influence the behavior and habits employees maintain. By just offering greener transit options, employers have an opportunity to influence the carbon footprint of their workforce both on and off the clock.
Schooling Demand Response in Texas Academia
EDF Climate Corps fellow | October 23, 2014
The Alamo Colleges began participating in local utility company, CPS Energy’s Demand Response Program in the summer of 2013. This Demand Response Program is one of CPS Energy’s strategies to achieve its 2020 goal of saving 771 megawatts of energy. The Alamo Colleges participated in the program in order to take advantage of a significant rebate opportunity, which was a maximum of $120,600 in 2013 and is $130,650 in 2014. Rebates are based on the level of participation, and in 2013, the Alamo Colleges earned rebates totaling $103,000.
Finding Gold in the Value Chain
Victoria Mills | October 9, 2014
Energy efficiency is a goldmine, but not everyone has the time or resources to dig. That’s why for the past seven years, over three hundred organizations have turned to EDF Climate Corps for hands-on help to cut costs and carbon pollution through better energy management. And every year, the program delivers results: this year’s class of fellows found $130 million in potential energy savings across 102 organizations.