Climate Corps projects: Search Results

Showing 1 - 25 out of 225 results

Organization Name Yearsort ascending Project Type
Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources Francisco Aguilar 2023 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
City of Raleigh Gabe Desmond 2023 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics  
City of Austin Evan Magallanes 2023 Climate Justice/Energy Equity, Engagement and Behavior Change, Goals/Targets  
Lane County Tatum Flowers 2023 Data Analysis, Engagement and Behavior Change, Food and Agriculture  
NYC DCAS Lily Edelman-Gold 2023 Clean and Renewable Energy, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics  
New York City Housing Authority Henry Kanengiser 2023 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
New York City Housing Authority Anushka Shahdadpuri 2023 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
City of Dallas Nanditha Ram Satagopan 2023 Climate Justice/Energy Equity, Engagement and Behavior Change  
Bay Area Rapid Transit Kabir Nadkarni 2023 Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics  
New York City Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Piyush Narang 2023 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Data Analysis, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
City of Tampa Gany Gunawan 2023 Data Analysis, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
City of Fort Collins Laurel Kruke 2023 Climate Justice/Energy Equity, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
CalTrans Emily Belding 2023 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics  
Summit County John Rooney 2023 Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Fulton County Courtney Carothers 2023 Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics  
City of Seattle Lauren Hogrewe 2023 Climate Justice/Energy Equity, Data Analysis, Engagement and Behavior Change, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Amarpreet Singh 2023 Data Analysis, Engagement and Behavior Change, Food and Agriculture  
City of Austin Margarethe (Maggie) Armstrong 2022 Climate Justice/Energy Equity  
New York City Housing Authority Abigail Brown 2022 Food and Agriculture  
Lane County Alexandre Rehbinder 2022 Food and Agriculture  
New York City Housing Authority Jed Higdon 2022 Food and Agriculture  
Bay Area Rapid Transit John Bryant Cadiz 2022  
New York City Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Allie Shepard 2022 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
New York City Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Sofia Barandiaran 2022 Climate Justice/Energy Equity, Engagement and Behavior Change  
City of Seattle Gaby Seltzer 2022 Climate Justice/Energy Equity, Engagement and Behavior Change  

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