BAIF Development Research Foundation

At a Glance



Project Types

Data Analysis, Food and Agriculture, Goals/Targets




Pune, Maharashtra


Maulshree Sinha built a self-service climate evaluation dashboard for plantation programs through an automated data architecture for carbon sequestration estimation.


BAIF’s goal was to incorporate a climate perspective in evaluating their plantations program is the Hassan district of Karnataka. The interventions of the program were designed to support diverse and eco-friendly farming practices while increasing farmers’ income.

The fellowship focused on determining key factors of success for the program and aligning the evaluation with climate success indicators such as plantation area coverage, program outreach, and survival rate of saplings. 


After studying available reports and collecting data, Maulshree identified the program’s determinants of success. With a vision for future use cases, she built an integrated data model for program analysis across varied parameters.

She created a dashboard of the integrated model to visualize existing data that would aid in tracking trends of plantations, survival rates, land holding details, convergence, farmer demographics, agro-forestry carbon estimations, and overall program outreach. To achieve the vision, she merged reports and data from various sources to create a new data architecture for a simplified, holistic, self-service, and automated organization-level analysis of the program.

Potential Impact

BAIF can leverage Maulshree’s climate dashboard to visualize reports and conduct organization-level analyses. The dashboard will help predict the current 20-year carbon capture estimate of 31,99,813 tonnes.

BAIF now has a provision to predict survival-rate-adjusted sequestration, with the potential to improvise the sourcing of saplings based on their survival rates. The area maps in the dashboard additionally enhance the traceability of nursery sources and the identification of regional coordinators.

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