BAIF Development Research Foundation

At a Glance



Project Types

Engagement and Behavior Change, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy




Pune, Maharashtra


Richa Mishra developed an analytical report entitled “Greening Rural India: A Reflection on BAIF’s Climate Action Pathways”, documenting BAIF's climate action and sustainable development initiatives.


BAIF Development Research Foundation hosted Richa Mishra to carry out an impactful project relating to climate change and sustainability. Her primary objective was to bring out a synthesis-cum-analytical report documenting BAIF' s climate action and sustainable development initiatives, especially in rural areas. This comprehensive report aimed to highlight the various measures taken by BAIF to combat climate change impacts and to reflect on the factors that have worked in favour of the organization. It also sought to provide recommendations for enhancing the BAIF’s climate efforts.  


In pursuit of her goals, Richa conducted an in-depth analysis of BAIF's initiatives, with a particular focus on the scalability and impact of projects like agro-horti-forestry (Wadi), livestock management, renewable energy, and natural resource management.

Her report highlighted these initiatives' applicability in furthering BAIF's sustainable development vision, showcasing their potential to catalyze change at scale. Richa also delved into the factors contributing to BAIF's program implementation success, identifying key drivers that could serve as a model for other organizations.

Potential Impact

The impact of Richa's fellowship is profound. Her recommendations, if implemented, hold the potential to deepen BAIF's climate action plans significantly. Her work is in the process of publication and will provide BAIF with an external document that could be shared with clients, such as corporates for CSR activities and like-minded NGOs, enhancing their credibility and facilitating greater engagement in sustainable initiatives.

Richa's commitment to driving sustainable development and climate action at BAIF reflects her dedication to creating a greener and more resilient future for all.

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