At a Glance
Internet, Software, Hardware and Technology Services
Project Types
Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy

Net Present Value:

Annual kWh Savings:
992,430 kWh

Annual CO2 Reductions:
700 metric tons
Kun Wang built the framework for MAHLE’s first-ever sustainability report, and identified opportunities to reduce energy use.
MAHLE, one of the world’s largest suppliers and development partners in the automotive industry, is working to improve the sustainability of its suppliers in accordance of sustainable development requirements. To show its achievements in sustainable development and underscore the responsibility to its stakeholders, MAHLE enlisted EDF Climate Corps fellow Kun Wang. He was charged with building a sustainability report encompassing over 50 MAHLE branches in the Asia-Pacific region to the company’s efforts in energy saving and GHG emissions reduction. Kun was also asked to identify opportunities for energy efficiency.
Kun analyzed the energy use, water consumption and waste generation data for all of MAHLE’s Asia-Pacific branches spanning the last five years, and summarized them by year and by business unit (BU). He used the results to assess MAHLE’s energy saving and emissions reduction level, and recommended a goal of reducing energy intensity 35% by 2025.
After reading and analyzing sustainability reports from similar companies, Kun built the framework and main contents of the report. The report contains basic information of MAHLE Asia-Pacific and four main scopes of sustainable development, including product innovation and development, energy saving and green production, employee care, and social responsibility.
Kun also identified that two cooling towers have serious water drifting and electricity over-consumption problems. He studied the structure and principle of the cooling tower, consulted a large amount of articles to analyze the above possible causes, determined the causes through field investigation, and finally proposed three improvement measures.
Potential Impact
The sustainability report highlights MAHLEs achievements in sustainable development. The proposed energy-saving projects of two cooling towers have the potential to achieve a 21.3% reduction in electricity consumption and a 10.2% reduction in water usage, equivalent to about 992,431 kWh of electricity saving and 698 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions reduction. Implementing these at MAHLE’s headquarters sends a message to all the branches in the Asia-Pacific region that the company is determined to advance sustainable development and improve energy efficiency.