EDF Climate Corps Blog
Coming Soon A Showtime Documentary on Climate Change: Years of Living Dangerously
Stephanie Kennard | November 1, 2013
“Everybody thinks [climate change] is about melting glaciers and polar bears…this is 100 percent a people story,” James Cameron said in the trailer for the upcoming Showtime documentary series, Years of Living Dangerously.
EDF Climate Corps Alumnus Identifies Reusable Takeout Containers to Reduce Food Service Waste
Guest Author | October 30, 2013
Anyone who works in corporate sustainability probably knows that employee cafeterias can generate a lot of waste. And, based on hours of Google searching, it seems like a lot of companies that are aiming for “zero waste to landfill” are adopting compostable or biodegradable food service products.
Tips on Landing Your Green Dream Job from Net Impact
Kelly Jones | October 29, 2013
At the Net Impact Conference last week, I met a number of inspiring young graduate students. Many came to the EDF Climate Corps expo booth asking about our summer fellowship program. Many others I talked to, including our 2013 alumni fellows, were seeking full-time employment.
EDF Climate Corps to exhibit at the 2013 Net Impact Conference and host Cocktail Reception
Jonel Seon | October 23, 2013
This week, EDF Climate Corps heads to Silicon Valley, California to attend the 2013 Net Impact Conference (Net Impact). An inspirational three-day event, Net Impact provides networking, employment and professional development opportunities to students and professionals aspiring to change the workplace and the world.
Energy Data as Inspiration: EDF's Jake Hiller Explains
Jake Hiller | October 15, 2013
You’ve affirmed that a centralized reporting system or “energy scorecard” is a way to make energy efficiency wins visible. Can you talk about who the audience is for these and how they fit into the “results and stories” piece of the Virtuous Cycle of Strategic Energy Management?
New EDF Climate Corps program to accelerate energy efficiency in Chicago
EDF Climate Corps fellow | October 11, 2013
Recently, I had the pleasure to attend the kickoff event for the Building Energy Initiative - Chicago, an ambitious project recently launched by Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). The goal of the project is to complement Retrofit Chicago in bringing energy efficiency improvements to buildings throughout the city.
Time Warner Cable Highlights EDF Climate Corps in Video of Energy Efficiency Work
Stephanie Kennard | October 11, 2013
Hundreds of leading organizations participate in EDF Climate Corps to take their energy management efforts to the next level. As one of the nation’s largest providers of video, high-speed data and voice services, Time Warner Cable participated in EDF Climate Corps to find cost-effective ways to save energy and reduce emissions.
The Power of Networks to Drive Environmental Results
Victoria Mills | October 2, 2013
The world’s top scientists reminded us last week that the case for action on climate change has never been more urgent. And turning the corner on carbon emissions and avoiding the worst impacts of a warming world will require nothing less than a full-scale transformation of our energy system.
EDF Business heads to RILA Retail Sustainability Conference
Kelly Jones | September 30, 2013
This week, EDF Business staff members are heading to the RILA Retail Sustainability Conference in Orlando, FL. This conference provides an opportunity for EDF to engage with leading retailers, discuss new trends and share best practices.
Are you tapping the talents of tomorrow’s leaders?
EDF Climate Corps fellow | September 30, 2013
This summer, several organizations from the Boston area hosted EDF Climate Corps fellows to further their energy management initiatives. Read below our interviews of three EDF fellows who worked in Boston, putting their know-how and experience to work for the environment.