At a Glance
Industrial Goods and Manufacturing
Project Type
Industrial Energy Efficiency

Net Present Value:

Annual kWh Savings:
1,400,000 kWh

Annual CO2 Reductions:
1,100 metric tons
Jihu Yang recommended that PMI replace its outdated air compressor system to achieve significant energy and cost savings.
Pacific Market International (PMI), a global leader in designing, marketing and manufacturing food and beverage solutions, hired EDF Climate Corps fellow Jihu Yang to help meet its goal of having suppliers hit 180 tce of energy savings by 2020. The company had already implemented energy saving projects, but was interested in identifying further energy savings and emission reduction opportunities.
To get an understanding of performance, Yang collected data and analyzed PMI’s energy use. He determined that the air compressor system, accounting for 20% of total energy use, offered the most promising opportunities for achieving significant energy savings. While air compressors operate 24 hours per day, the actual demand for compressed air varies between both day and night, as well as between the work week and weekends, resulting in substantial excess energy use. And, the pipeline in PMI’s system is old and outdated, making it hard to detect and avoid compressed air leakage. Yang suggested that the air compressor system is replaced with a more efficient, modern piece of equipment.
Potential Impact
Over their lifetimes, Yang's projects have the potential to save PMI roughly ¥1,920,000 on energy costs, reduce CO2 emissions by over 1100 metric tons and achieve electricity savings of over 1.4 million kWh annually. With these projects, PMI is better positioned to accomplish its energy saving goal.