Climate Corps projects: Search Results

Showing 76 - 100 out of 1761 results

Organizationsort ascending Name Year Project Type
Walmart Zhen Zhou 2022 Supply Chain  
Walmart Chendi Jiang 2021 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walmart Xiaoqi Zhang 2019 Data Analysis, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walmart Yueyun Fu 2018 Industrial Energy Efficiency, Supply Chain  
Walmart Qianqian Chen 2022 Food and Agriculture  
Walmart Manlin Wang 2021 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walmart Luofei Yan 2019 Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walgreen Co. Wyatt Williams 2023 Data Analysis, Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walgreen Co. Nikhil Dange 2017 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Data Analysis, Engagement and Behavior Change, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Walgreen Co. Sushit Shetty 2018 Clean and Renewable Energy, Data Analysis, Financial Evaluation and Planning, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walgreen Co. Adriana Sanchez 2023 Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walgreen Co. Bobby Miyashiro 2020 Clean and Renewable Energy, Commercial Energy Efficiency, Data Analysis, Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walgreen Co. Connie Chow 2020 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walgreen Co. Megan Williams 2018 Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Wakefern Food Corp. Scott Brechmacher 2012 Commercial Energy Efficiency  
Volvo North America Katharine Grant 2012 Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Volvo North America Bolaji Sadiku 2022  
Volvo North America Shuqi Dong 2018 Engagement and Behavior Change  
Volvo North America Kamsi Azike 2021 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Volvo North America Madhura Karnik 2013 Engagement and Behavior Change, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
VmoAir Sangeet Nepal 2022 Financial Evaluation and Planning, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics  
Vivaki Tracy Liu 2010 Commercial Energy Efficiency  
Vivaki Jonathan Huynh 2011 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Engagement and Behavior Change  
Vistula Management Company Matthew Bandyk 2017 Clean and Renewable Energy  
Vista Equity Partners Tarun Thomas Philip 2023 Data Analysis, Engagement and Behavior Change, Goals/Targets  

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