Climate Corps projects: Search Results

Showing 126 - 150 out of 233 results

Organizationsort ascending Name Year Project Type
Kingfisher Yuan Yang 2016 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
King County Metro Transit Abdel Latif Ladki 2013 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Kettle Cuisine Jef Benbanaste 2011 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
JLL Ramandeep Kaur 2015 Clean and Renewable Energy, Commercial Energy Efficiency, Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
JLL Amythest Devlin 2022 Clean and Renewable Energy, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Jacksonville Transportation Authority Matthew Doolin 2015 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Iron Mountain Harshil Nagda 2018 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Ingersoll Rand Akshay Honnatti 2010 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Ingersoll Rand Chris Hegge 2011 Engagement and Behavior Change, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Ingersoll Rand Chad Reed 2012 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Ingersoll Rand Vikram Sokkalingam 2013 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Ingersoll Rand Amogh Garg 2011 Engagement and Behavior Change, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Ingersoll Rand Deepak Jose 2012 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Ingersoll Rand Mansoor Baloch 2013 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Immucor, Inc. Muhammad Basit Ghauri 2019 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
IKEA Yuanxin Lin 2022 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
ICF International Gabriel Gordon-Harper 2018 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Engagement and Behavior Change, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Huafeng Group Zike Bai 2022 Data Analysis, Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Huafeng Group Kai Chen 2021 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Huafeng Group Yimeng Chen 2021 Data Analysis, Goals/Targets, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Supply Chain  
Huafeng Group Qiaotong Pang 2021 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Hitachi Consulting Supriya Dharkar 2015 Clean and Renewable Energy, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Hilex Poly Sharath Chandra Matturu 2014 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Hilex Poly Sean Grundy 2012 Industrial Energy Efficiency  
Hilex Poly John Culver 2013 Industrial Energy Efficiency  

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