Climate Corps projects: Search Results

Showing 301 - 325 out of 636 results

Organization Name Yearsort ascending Project Type
Walmart Han Ding 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
AT&T Hassan Nadeem 2020 Goals/Targets, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
PayPal Jordan Faires 2020 Clean and Renewable Energy, Data Analysis, Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
City of Houston Kris Yowtak 2020 Clean and Renewable Energy, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Walmart Jessica Salgueiro 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Bank of America Chidera Nelson 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
PepsiCo Kyla Aiuto 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Iron Mountain Jared Alvord 2020 Clean and Renewable Energy, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Wayfair Alexandra Bennett 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Berlin Packaging Ruby Kaufman 2020 Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
PPD Angela Gamber 2020 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy, Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Data Analysis, Engagement and Behavior Change  
Kingfisher Xuechun Bao 2020 Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Whirlpool Emily Mehlhop 2020 Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Blue Shield of California Karan Shetty 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
REI Jackie Bach 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics, Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Lyft, Inc. Nicholas Brayer 2020 Clean and Renewable Energy, Engagement and Behavior Change, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
bp Yue Zhang 2020 Clean and Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Resource Label Group Savannah Rodrigue 2020 Data Analysis, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
RiverSpring Health Raven Langhorne 2020 Commercial Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Lyft, Inc. Gillian Lui 2020 Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics, Goals/Targets, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
bp Yujia Xiao 2020 Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Roche Diagnostics Hailin Bai 2020 Clean and Renewable Energy, Data Analysis, Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Lyft, Inc. Morteza Taiebat 2020 Clean and Renewable Energy, Data Analysis, Zero Emission Vehicles, Freight and Logistics, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Carlyle Group Emily Perry 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Goals/Targets, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation Shuhaib Bin Haji Nawawi 2020 Engagement and Behavior Change, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Energy Management Strategy  

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